News & Updates
February 15, 2018
It's been a while since we updated our page, but fret not, for we have never been busier. Earlier this year, we announced that we would be participating in this years Wacken Metal Battle 2018 Canada competion. Not only that, we've played and won our qualifying show! Centuries of Decay will be moving on to Round 2 - the Southern Ontario finals. Check out our SHOWS tab for more details.
The winners of the grand finals will be flown to play at this years, Wacken Open Air festival in Germany and compete on an international level!
We've got many more exciting things in store for this year, stay tuned!
August 4, 2017
Today is the big day! Centuries of Decay is proud to present out debut, self-titled album, 'Centuries of Decay'. Thank you all for your support through this long, intense musical journey. You can download a digital copy from our Bandcamp store. Alternatively, you can stream the album through Apple Music, Spotify and Google Play.
We will be having a special CD release show tonight in downtown Toronto. Hit up our Shows section for more information!
July 16, 2017
Want a taste of our debut album? Head on over to Metal Master Kingdom for an exclusive listen of 'Rise' off of our self-titled album 'Centuries of Decay'
June 6, 2017
Finally, after a year and a half of blood, sweat and tears, our debut album is complete! On August 4th, you will be able to experience the force that is Centuries of Decay, on all major streaming platforms. We will be adding a bandcamp store page for those of you who would rather order a physical copy or shirt in the near future!
To kick off the party, we will be playing an epic release show on August 4th. Head over to our SHOWS tab for full event details.
January 22, 2016
Here is some real official news! Centuries of Decay will be participating in the Wacken Metal Battle Canada 2016 .....battle.
We will be duking it out with our metal brethren for a chance to play the Wacken Open Air festival in Germany this summer!
The first show we will be playing is taking place Friday, April 1st at the Rivoli. Check out the Wacken Metal Battle Canada 2016 page for more info and show times! We will have tickets on sale, so please feel free to drop us an email (you may use the fancy 'contact' tab at the top) and we'll make sure that it gets to you!
Just in case you missed it the first time, here it is again:
Wacken Metal Battle Canada 2016
Hello Friends!
We are slowly making a migration to institute some sort of 'shows' category that will sync up with Bandsintown, which means we may be able to post some actual news in the news section. What a concept.
We have recently finished tracking drums for our first full-length album! We are very excited and will be working very hard during these next few months. Drums are easily the hardiest instrument to track mainly due to space availability and mic rentals. The studio I work at closed down for an entire week and a half. We used every single day available to us to record and experiment with sounds. It was a ton of work, but it was totally worth it.
There are some other super-exciting-secret-show news that we hope to reveal soon. When it hits, we hope you will all be there to share it with us! Stay tuned!
Derrick, relieved that tracking is over!
December 12 Coalition TO
$10 at door, 19+
Corpse paint gets a beer and a CD!!
Beast of North following the cloven hoofs of the Great Goat presents:
Centuries of Decay
Ragged wounds bleed profusely over scorched earth. The dark commander's voice beckons us onward unto endless slaughter.
A deathlike whisper from deep in the void. It climbs the nothingness, driven by a voracious hunger.
Hak-Ed Damm
Quebec City's most sadistic armed legion lays siege to Toronto's shores for the first time ever.
Bloodless Child
Ontario's fastest, dirtiest, loudest Black Thrash attack
Also a special appearance by prominent Luciferian Jeremy Crow Archon of the Greater Church of Lucifer, conducting the Invocation of the Black Flame.
De Profundis Infernum
Thursday, July 2nd
Rancho Relaxo
Centuries of Decay, Nuffsaid, Monologues, Braincell Graveyard
$7 at the Door
Doors @ 9pm
Thursday, August 27th
The Velvet Underground
Warlord Promotions Present:
$5 at the Door
Doors @ 7:30pm
We're headlining this mother!
Sunday, April 19th
The Rockpile West
Centuries of Decay, Victory Heights, Beg For Mercy, Neurotic November, The Road To Milestone, I Am The End
$10 at the Door